Contact Me
This is my experience when it comes to work. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me:
These are the places where I have been educated and the qualifications I have got while I was there. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me:
I started at Nailsea School in 2013 and graduated in 2018:
Business and Enterprise: M1
Science in the Workplace: P2
History: 3
Maths: 4
English Language: 5
English Literature: 5
Computer Science: 5
Media Studies: C
I started at City of Bristol College in 2018 and graduated in 2020:
L3 Computer Science - BTEC (Extended Certificate): Distinction* Distinction* Distinction* (D*D*D*)
These are some of the projects I have had a part in. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me:
Auttaja is a moderation bot for Discord which is written in Python. I have been a member of the Auttaja development team since the 29th January 2018. In that time, I have worked on 2 major releases that have made the bot a major success. Due to our teamwork, the bot is in over 175,000 servers.
Cyno is a Discord bot that is written in Go with the dashboard written with the Rails framework. It offers various bits of functionality such as birthday roles, currency, minigames, and XP.
MagicCap is a image/GIF/clipboard capture and file upload suite for macOS and Linux. MagicCap was created by me in mid 2018 due to the lack of good capture software on both platforms (whereas Windows has ShareX). During my time owning MagicCap, I have reviewed a lot of large changes, set up a CI so that the application can easily be built, and became extremely proficient in the Electron framework.